Source code for abcpmc.sampler

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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# abcpmc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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Created on Oct 9, 2014

author: jakeret
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy import spatial

__all__ = ["GaussianPrior", 

[docs]class GaussianPrior(object): """ Normal gaussian prior :param mu: scalar or vector of means :param sigma: scalar variance or covariance matrix """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma): = mu self.sigma = sigma def __call__(self, theta=None): if theta is None: return np.random.multivariate_normal(, self.sigma) else: return stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(theta,, self.sigma)
[docs]class TophatPrior(object): """ Tophat prior :param min: scalar or array of min values :param max: scalar or array of max values """ def __init__(self, min, max): self.min = np.atleast_1d(min) self.max = np.atleast_1d(max) assert self.min.shape == self.max.shape assert np.all(self.min < self.max) def __call__(self, theta=None): if theta is None: return np.array([np.random.uniform(mi, ma) for (mi, ma) in zip(self.min, self.max)]) else: return 1 if np.all(theta < self.max) and np.all(theta >= self.min) else 0
[docs]class ParticleProposal(object): """ Creates new particles using twice the weighted covariance matrix (Beaumont et al. 2009) """ def __init__(self, sampler, eps, pool, kwargs): self.postfn = sampler.postfn self.distfn = sampler.dist self.Y = sampler.Y self.N = sampler.N self.eps = np.asanyarray(eps) self.pool = pool self.kwargs = kwargs self.sigma = 2 * weighted_cov(pool.thetas, def __call__(self, i): cnt = 1 while True: idx = np.random.choice(range(self.N), 1, p=[0] theta = self.pool.thetas[idx] sigma = self._get_sigma(theta, **self.kwargs) sigma = np.atleast_2d(sigma) thetap = np.random.multivariate_normal(theta, sigma) X = self.postfn(thetap) p = np.asarray(self.distfn(X, self.Y)) if np.all(p <= self.eps): break cnt+=1 return thetap, p, cnt def _get_sigma(self, theta): return self.sigma
[docs]class KNNParticleProposal(ParticleProposal): """ Creates new particles using a covariance matrix from the K-nearest neighbours (Fillipi et al. 2012) Set `k` as key-word arguement in `abcpmc.Sampler.particle_proposal_kwargs` """ def _get_sigma(self, theta, k): tree = spatial.cKDTree(self.pool.thetas) _, idxs = tree.query(theta, k, p=2) sigma = np.cov(self.pool.thetas[idxs].T) return sigma
[docs]class OLCMParticleProposal(ParticleProposal): """ Creates new particles using an optimal loacl covariance matrix (Fillipi et al. 2012) """ def _get_sigma(self, theta): if len(self.eps.shape) == 0: idx = self.pool.dists < self.eps else: idx = np.all(self.pool.dists < self.eps, axis=1) thetas = self.pool.thetas[idx] weights =[idx] weights = weights/np.sum(weights) m = np.sum((weights * thetas.T).T, axis=0) n = thetas.shape[1] sigma = np.empty((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): sigma[i, j] = np.sum(weights * (thetas[:, i] - m[i]) * (thetas[:, j] - m[j]).T) + (m[i] - theta[i]) * (m[j] - theta[j]) return sigma
"""Namedtuple representing a pool of one sampling iteration""" PoolSpec = namedtuple("PoolSpec", ["t", "eps", "ratio", "thetas", "dists", "ws"])
[docs]class Sampler(object): """ ABC population monte carlo sampler :param N: number of particles :param Y: observed data set :param postfn: model function (a callable), which creates a new dataset x for a given theta :param dist: distance function rho(X, Y) (a callable) :param threads: (optional) number of threads. If >1 and no pool is given <threads> multiprocesses will be started :param pool: (optional) a pool instance which has a <map> function """ particle_proposal_cls = ParticleProposal particle_proposal_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, N, Y, postfn, dist, threads=1, pool=None): self.N = N self.Y = Y self.postfn = postfn self.dist = dist if pool is not None: self.pool = pool self.mapFunc = elif threads == 1: self.mapFunc = map else: self.pool = Pool(threads) self.mapFunc =
[docs] def sample(self, prior, eps_proposal): """ Launches the sampling process. Yields the intermediate results per iteration. :param prior: instance of a prior definition (or an other callable) see :py:class:`sampler.GaussianPrior` :param eps_proposal: an instance of a threshold proposal (or an other callable) see :py:class:`sampler.ConstEps` :yields pool: yields a namedtuple representing the values of one iteration """ eps = wrapper = _RejectionSamplingWrapper(eps, prior, self.postfn, self.dist, self.Y) res = self.mapFunc(wrapper, range(self.N)) thetas = np.array([theta for (theta, _, _) in res]) dists = np.array([dist for (_, dist, _) in res]) cnts = np.sum([cnt for (_, _, cnt) in res]) ws = np.ones(self.N) / self.N pool = PoolSpec(0, eps, self.N/cnts, thetas, dists, ws) yield pool for i, eps in enumerate(eps_proposal): t = i+1 particleProposal = self.particle_proposal_cls(self, eps, pool, self.particle_proposal_kwargs) res = self.mapFunc(particleProposal, range(self.N)) thetas = np.array([theta for (theta, _, _) in res]) dists = np.array([dist for (_, dist, _) in res]) cnts = np.sum([cnt for (_, _, cnt) in res]) sigma = 2 * weighted_cov(pool.thetas, wrapper = _WeightWrapper(prior, sigma,, pool.thetas) wt = np.array(list(self.mapFunc(wrapper, thetas))) ws = wt/np.sum(wt) pool = PoolSpec(t, eps, self.N/cnts, thetas, dists, ws) yield pool
[docs] def close(self): """ Tries to close the pool (avoid hanging threads) """ if hasattr(self, "pool") and self.pool is not None: self.pool.close()
class _WeightWrapper(object): # @DontTrace """ Wraps the computation of new particle weights. Allows for pickling the functionality. """ def __init__(self, prior, sigma, ws, thetas): self.prior = prior self.sigma = sigma = ws self.thetas = thetas def __call__(self, theta): kernel = stats.multivariate_normal(theta, self.sigma).pdf w = self.prior(theta) / np.sum( * kernel(self.thetas)) return w class _RejectionSamplingWrapper(object): # @DontTrace """ Wraps the computation of new particles in the first iteration (simple rejection sampling). Allows for pickling the functionality. """ def __init__(self, eps, prior, postfn, dist, Y): self.eps = np.asarray(eps) self.prior = prior self.postfn = postfn self.dist = dist self.Y = Y def __call__(self, i): cnt = 1 while True: thetai = self.prior() X = self.postfn(thetai) p = np.asarray(self.dist(X, self.Y)) if np.all(p <= self.eps): break cnt+=1 return thetai, p, cnt
[docs]def weighted_cov(values, weights): """ Computes a weighted covariance matrix :param values: the array of values :param weights: array of weights for each entry of the values :returns sigma: the weighted covariance matrix """ n = values.shape[1] sigma = np.empty((n, n)) w = weights.sum() / (weights.sum()**2 - (weights**2).sum()) average = np.average(values, axis=0, weights=weights) for j in range(n): for k in range(n): sigma[j, k] = w * np.sum(weights * ((values[:, j] - average[j]) * (values[:, k] - average[k]))) return sigma
[docs]def weighted_avg_and_std(values, weights, axis=None): """ Return the weighted avg and standard deviation. :param values: Array with the values :param weights: Array with the same shape as values containing the weights :param axis: (optional) the axis to be used for the computation :returns avg, sigma: weighted average and standard deviation """ # avg = np.average(values, weights=weights, axis=axis) # Fast and numerically precise variance = np.average((values-avg)**2, weights=weights, axis=axis) return (avg, np.sqrt(variance))